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Angela Thunket

Angela has been fascinated by rhyme since the beginning of time. She lives in Canada and loves to swirl and twirl and whirl. She also likes chocolate peanut butter ice cream, fun beats, melodies, telling stories, friends and laughing. She really likes laughing a lot.


Stylized portraits by: Nyasha Lukacs


Janice Miller

Janice Miller lives in Canada and loves the Rocky Mountains. She also likes chocolate chips, painting, reading, music, nature, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. She really likes time with her grandchildren a lot.

Lee-Ann Lukacs

Lee-Ann and her family live in Canada and enjoy creating all the time. She loves light and sound and colour. She also likes music, singing, blueberries, painting, nature and having fun. She really likes having fun a lot.

Kristin lives in Canada with her family and loves laughing with her kids. She also likes bubble tea, kimchi, swimming, travelling, snow days, the sound of her cats purring, long winter evening walks, hot summer days, beaches and looking at the stars. She really likes looking at the stars a lot.

Kristin Ramer


Sheri Scott

Sheri lives in Canada and loves creating and thinking up new ideas. She also likes coffee shops, bakery cafes, family, friends, entrepreneurs, live music, good playlists, country drives on sunny days, popcorn, research, artisan markets and a good laugh.  She really likes laughing a lot.


Creative Team

Thinkers and Swirlers

Kristin Ramer

Elise Bates

Sheri Scott

Language & Voice

Tatiana Arnold

Portuguese Translation


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Katie Davies

What Readers Are Saying!

“I love these stories! I really like that one of the girls has the same name as me. It’s cool how each girl has her own adventure in the story and they’re not all the same.”
      ~ Sophie, age 8, Montana, US.


“My kids love these books and I do too! Beautiful stories with great lessons for people of all ages. Highly recommend.”
     ~ Maria, mom of 3, Montana, US.

“The TRIA VIA stories are absolutely charming and you can feel immediately the joy of the colorful and whirling adventures. Your kids will love the exciting stories of the three girls, the wonderful swinging melody of the text and the absolutely loveable illustrations. “

     ~ Regina, mother, Cuxhaven, Germany.

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